5 items
Orthodontics can play a significant role in improving your overall oral health and confidence. That’s why we offer the GUM® ORTHODONTIC products, designed to ensure your mouth remains clean and healthy while you wear braces, retainers, or other orthodontic appliances. From gentle yet thorough cleaning to specialized care, our braces care products are tailored to support you through this transformative time. Choose the GUM® Ortho products for a seamless blend of effective orthodontic care and optimal oral hygiene.
GUM EEZ-THRU Floss Threaders
GUM® EEZ-THRU® Floss Threaders
GUM EASYTHREAD Floss, Orthodontic Threader
GUM® EASYTHREAD® Floss, Orthodontic Threader
GUM Orthodontic Toothbrush, Soft Bristles
GUM® Orthodontic Toothbrush, Soft Bristles
GUM End Tuft Toothbrush
GUM® End Tuft Toothbrush
GUM Orthodontic Wax, Vitamin E + Aloe Vera
GUM® Orthodontic Wax + Vitamin E